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Helping with the new bin adjustment: Accessibly labelled Indoor Bins


We're really pleased to see the local council are being proactive in the campaign towards climate change by introducing a more efficient recycling method to help get the right materials to the right providers so that they are properly repurposed. Unfortunately however, any change in a long standing process can be a really difficult adjustment for some, particularly if the process has otherwise been the same for weeks, months or even years. This can lead to some people having their bins returned or refused and we want to reaffirm how important it is to understand that there are some situations where it's not quite as simple as 'taking responsibility'.

It's important to remember the people within our communities who need a little extra support in these circumstances. Particularly those who are struggling with Dementia, Partial Sightedness (where it's difficult to read or access the information that is currently available), those with Communication difficulties (such as people who are autistic and rely on having a long length of time to process information or adjust to new routines) and those with learning difficulties and disorders that affect memory processing. There are reasonable adjustments that we can make to help support people adjust to changes that sit outside of their control and collectively we can take the responsibility to help people adjust more comfortably.

In light of this we've designed some indoor Accessibly labelled bins to help make it a bit clearer by providing a visual aid- where your waste needs to go. We've simplified the list as much as possible in a very clear and contrasting yes/no box with a label at the bottom summarising what type of waste the bin is for. We're really keen to see these in kitchens and hope it will help make things that little bit easier.

Sometimes visual queues can be really helpful especially for those with Dementia. Using contrasting and simplified labelling is helpful for those with sight processing issues and the large print text makes them much easier to read. Having a labelled indoor bin means that the right waste is emptied into the right bin before the larger outside bins are turned away. For someone who is elderly and struggles to lift and move larger objects, preventing this in the earlier part of the task helps to promote independence and make life that little bit more comfortable. It also helps prevent carer's accidentally emptying the wrong waste into outdoor bins as these labels are clear and specific to their district.

We currently have labels for South Kesteven but if you live in a district with different rules on where your waste should go please get in touch with us at and we'll happily tailor them to your needs if you are living in a different district area.

If you would like to order a set of bins for yourself you can do so by emailing us at The bins come ready labelled and are 45litres in capacity. Already have bins? Not to worry! We can provide just the labels. We're also offering free delivery to anyone within South Kesteven, for areas outside of this postage costs will apply.



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